2021-12-07 6:10 AM
Currently there is only:
__STATIC_INLINE void LL_ADC_ConfigOverSamplingRatioShift(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t Ratio, uint32_t Shift)
MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CFGR2, (ADC_CFGR2_OVSS | ADC_CFGR2_OVSR), (Shift | (((Ratio - 1UL) << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos))));
which does not work for ADC3 on H73x
As workaround I added locally o function like this, which used the correct ADC3 mask for ratio:
static void ADC3_ConfigOverSamplingRatioShift( uint32_t ratio, uint32_t shift )
MODIFY_REG(ADC3->CFGR2, (ADC_CFGR2_OVSS | ADC3_CFGR2_OVSR), (shift | (((ratio - 1UL) << ADC3_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos))));
Is there another way in the LL libs, that I missed to find?
2021-12-08 2:24 AM
Hello @CA..1 ,
Thank you for having reported this issue.
I added the topic STM32CubeMX to your question in order to increase its chance to be reviewed by our CubeMX experts.
Hi @Khouloud OTHMAN , @Khouloud ZEMMELI , Can you please review this CubeMX issue.
2021-12-16 12:01 AM
Hi @CA..1 ,
After deep check, it appears to be an issue with HAL and not CubeMx tool.
Oversampling Ratio is dependent to ADC instance and IP version:
So that for ADC3 of the STM32H72x/3x, the LL_ADC_ConfigOverSamplingRatioShift() should not modify the ADC_CFGR2 with ADC_CFGR2_OVS, but ADC3_CFGR2_OVS, as you already mentioned here in your post.
In the function LL_ADC_ConfigOverSamplingRatioShift (and corresponding LL_ADC_GetOverSamplingRatio) the CFGR2->OVSR does not handle all cases correctly.
For more details, please have a look at this github link: stm32h7 adc driver oversampling ratio depends on ADC instance #117
The LL_ADC_ConfigOverSamplingRatioShift() function is changed to support Ratio from 1..8 (ADC3) or from 1..10 (meaning oversampling by 2^Ratio)
instead of a value from 1..1024.
Also for the LL_ADC_GetOverSamplingRatio()
An internal ticket number 116019, is already submitted in order to check and fix the coherency of LL functions LL_ADC_ConfigOversamplingRatioShift in the STM32H7 series.
(PS: Internal ticket number 116019, this is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).
Thank you once more for your contribution.
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