2021-05-06 11:27 PM
For one project i have to save some pictures taken with one SPI Camera into an SD Card by SPI and i have to save also some info related to the image. For saving the pictures i am going to use FATFS and i was wondering if i could save some Exif info along with the picture. Otherwise i would have to create another file on the SD and link it to the picture. Thanks in advance.
2021-05-07 6:46 AM
"One possible solution for me could be to store the jpg and also store another file on the SD which would contain the info related to the image"
That sounds like the simplest & most practical solution: you just have an <name>.jpg file and <name>.txt file - just like you often have .c and .h files in pairs. I don't see it being "ugly" at all - it's quite common, in fact.
Then you can post-process the pairs into a single .jpeg on a more suitable platform - if you wish.
Otherwise you are going to have to get down to it and understand the JPEG file format and implement (or port) the metadata handling yourself.