2017-01-09 04:49 AM
My software checks the I2C state of a device by calling if( HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(hi2c, addr, 2, 15)!= HAL_OK).
There are several changes in the new Version of HAL V1.6.
The problem is the expired Delay tickstart within the do..while loop: If the loop is the 2nd run, the Function I2C_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout does not wait until the Start is done. Then the code breaks with HAL_TIMEOUT and the bus lanes SDA and SCL are both low.
A workaround could be to renew the tickstart in the following part of the code:
/* Generate Start */
hi2c->Instance->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START;/* Wait until SB flag is set */
tickstart = HAL_GetTick(); // line 3266 added by C. Fahrni if(I2C_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout(hi2c, I2C_FLAG_SB, RESET, Timeout, tickstart) != HAL_OK) { return HAL_TIMEOUT; }Maybe there is another workaround. I hope for a bugfix in the next version...
#i2c #hal #hal_i2c_isdeviceready #i2c-bus-locked #hal-v1.6 #stm32f42017-01-09 08:21 AM
Hi @C Fahrni,
Could you please provide more details on your case:
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2017-01-20 01:51 AM
Hi Amel
Thank you for replying…
Cube is generation the following file:
* @file stm32f4xx_hal_i2c.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.6.0
* @date 04-November-2016
I use the STM32F427. I did not try out other I2C examples – I first want to describe you the issue:
The controller finds out if a I2C slave is connected to the bus. This is done with 2 Trials:
if( HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(hi2c, DevAddress, 2, 5)!= HAL_OK)
So within
there is a do..while loop that counts the Trials.
First iteration:
The tickstart ist set directy before and has not expired (15ms).
if(I2C_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout(hi2c, I2C_FLAG_SB, RESET, Timeout, tickstart) != HAL_OK)
has not timeout.
while((tmp1 == RESET) && (tmp2 == RESET) && (tmp3 != HAL_I2C_STATE_TIMEOUT))
is waiting until Timeout
Second iteration
After generation of Start,
terminates with
, the Bus lanes are low…
do { /* Generate Start */ hi2c->Instance->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START; /* Wait until SB flag is set */ if(I2C_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout(hi2c, I2C_FLAG_SB, RESET, Timeout, tickstart) != HAL_OK) { return HAL_TIMEOUT; }This function
in V1.6 has several modification compared to the last HAL version.
As workaround I reduced the Trials to 1. Other workaround could be to make a Stop before leaving.
Best Regards,
Christoph Fahrni