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How to use STM32H7's UID(96bits) to generate 3 bytes for Mac address?

Associate II

I need generate ethernet Mac address for my devices(STM32H7xx), and want to make those devices' Mac address NOT same. The first 3 byte of Mac address will use ST's, so only leave 3 bytes. 

We want to use the chip UID to generate the 3 bytes of the Mac address. What is the best way for us to generate them? 

I dont know what is the meaning of 3 parts(HAL_GetUIDw0/1/2) of UID, I found most parts of our chip's UID are same, just a few chars are different, dont know if we can ignore some of UID which are almost not changed. 


ST is not providing you with 16 million MAC addresses, you'll need to BUY and serialize your own.

There's wafer batch, and die X / Y position data. There's not really any guarantee you can shrink the 96-bit UID into a 24-bit one.

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Associate II

so HAL_GetUIDw0 of UID is wafer batch, right?

I'm not sure of the exact mappings, I think there was a White Paper at one point, and other posts to the forum.

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