2023-07-19 3:44 AM - last edited on 2023-09-01 9:33 AM by Amel NASRI
Dear ST experts:
I am a beginner with ST RTOS. I need your help.
We have a project using FW in AMICAM1\UltrasoundFFT based on NUCLEO-STM32L476RG .
There two threads in the FW. one is AMICAM1_Thread and another is AMICAM1_Thread.
The Ultrasound FFT FW can send the FFT data to PC when the EVB connecting USB cable to PC.
Then the app of UltrasoundFFT.exe can show the FFT result as below.
We would like to modify the algorithm flow to bypass usb send data function.
It means that FW can continue to run without USB cable connecting PC.
But we found the FW stop at osSemaphoreWait(fft_data_input_sem_id, osWaitForever) without trigger usb function.
The FW will skip the function until the app start to run.
Best Regards,
2023-07-19 6:53 PM
Dear ST experts:
Anybody can help.
Best Regards,