2021-05-15 4:10 AM
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to implement IAP to jump from bootloader to my application on stm32h743 target.
I m trying to use example code STM32H743-EVAL from ST without success.
I think, i set correctly both linker file, remmaping of VECT_TAB_OFFSET etc.
My question is, what should be the status of boot0 pin ? In my case, it is connected to ground.
Do you have any idea or suggest ?
Thank you
2021-05-15 4:22 AM
Jump to bootloader has been discussed many time before. Best way is to do it is in the start up code. Search the archive.
2021-05-15 4:43 AM
It's no jump to bootlooder what i want but jump from bootloader (0x08000000) to user app (@adress defined) !
2021-05-15 5:43 AM
2021-05-15 7:45 AM
any idea about what i can't satisfied this condition :
if (( (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x08060000) & 0x2FFE0000 ) == 0x20000000)
2021-05-15 8:46 AM
Where is your stack situated? This is a crude test for a stack in RAM 0x20000000..0x2001FFFC
Clearly that won't work for RAM at 0x24000000 or 0x30000000
Adjust the test based of what's actually valid in your situation
2021-05-15 9:56 AM
My RAM start @0x200000000 and end @0x20020000 !
And my flash start @0x08060000
2021-05-15 11:05 AM
0x20020000 will fail the test, 0x2001FFFC will not.
2021-05-15 1:01 PM
Do you mean i should change value un linker script ?
I will try...
2021-05-15 3:19 PM
Well that, or broaden the test so the value is accepted.