2021-05-13 6:59 AM
2021-05-13 7:16 AM
What hardware?
Do you have the 1k5 pullup on DP?
2021-05-13 7:28 AM
Thanks JW, i am new bee.
I was trying to connect my Laptop configured STM32F303RE as USB mouse to navigate across my laptop screen as per the USB sample code objective.
2021-05-16 4:45 PM
Hello SOlek.1,
Welcome to the ST Community :)
Are you referring to the HID_Standalone example in the STM32CubeF3 FW package. If yes, there are several information you should know, that are inside the readme file for the project. The most important for you probably would these two following paragraphs:
By default, in Windows OS, the USB mouse Power Management feature is turned off. This setting
is different from classic PS/2 computer functionality. To enable the Wake up from standby
option, user has to manually turn on the Power Management feature for the USB mouse.
To enable the wake from standby option for the USB mouse, the following steps have to be followed:
- Start "Device Manager",
- Select "Mice and other pointing devices",
- Select the "HID-compliant mouse" device (make sure that PID &VID are equal to 0x5710 & 0x0483 respectively)
- Right click and select "Properties",
- Select "Power Management" tab,
- Finally click to select "Allow this device to wake the computer" check box.
- STM32F303RE-Nucleo Rev C Set-up
- Since there is no USB 2.0 Full speed connector (Type B) on the nucleo board, user has to make
his own USB shield daughter board with the a USB connector and plug it on top of the CN8 and CN9
connectors of the STM32F303RE-Nucleo Rev C board. The USB connector has to be connected to the USB device associated GPIOs
as follows:
- DP (D+ of the USB connector) <======> PA12( pin12 in CN10 ) (Nucleo board)
- DM (D- of the USB connector) <======> PA11( pin14 in CN10 ) (Nucleo board)
- External USB 1.5k resistor pull-ups is required on the USB D+ Line and VDD (3V3).
- To improve EMC performance (noise immunity and signal integrity), it is recommended to connect a 100nF
ceramic capacitor to the USB VDD pin.
I am also recommending to check the rest of the file as well. If some of it will solve your problem please click on the Select as Best button as it help to keep track of answered question and with orientation for other community users.