2021-08-02 12:41 PM
Hi everyone ! I start an STM32F373 project and i want to use CMSIS DSP libraries but when the project it is generated, dsp libraries don't exist in CMSIS folder.
I tried include this but i couldn't.
Can you help me ?
2021-08-03 12:35 AM
Welcome, @BarcaM, to the community!
Did you create the project with STM32CubeMX?
2021-08-03 03:37 AM
Hello @BarcaM,
To include DSP libraries in your project, you can follow the Configuring DSP libraries on STM32CubeIDE article.
2021-08-03 05:11 AM
Thanks Peter !
Yes, I use STM32Cube IDE but CMSIS folder doesn't have arm_math.h or dsp libraries
2021-08-03 05:39 AM
I tried this but have an error: cannot find -arm_cortexM4lf_math,there are only two files in the folder CMSIS/Lib/GCC: libarm_cortexM4l_math.a and libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a . But in the article doesnt recommend either.
2021-08-12 04:30 AM
Hello @BarcaM,
Can you specify whether you tried including "armcortexM4lf_math" or "arm_cortexM4lf_math" ?
Adding "libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a" can work but it is not recommended. As mentioned in the article, it might have side effects on other use cases.
2021-08-17 06:39 AM
"armcortexM4lf_math" or "arm_cortexM4lf_math" aren't in GCC folder. There are here: STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.11.3\Drivers\CMSIS\Lib\ARM