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How do I get CDC Standalone example working on NUCLEO-H743ZI Board

Associate III

I have a Nucleo-H743ZI board and want to get the CDC example working so that I can use it in my own code.

I created a new STM32 Project from STMCubeIDE and selected the CDC Standalone example (It is for LUCLEO-L552ZE-Q board).

I had to disable BSP_LED_Init since it uses an I2C IO expander but rest of the code seems to be OK for the H743ZI board. There is sadly now response when I plug-in the USB port, so something still seems to be missing.

Any idea of what could be wrong and how can I fix it of how I can get the USB CDC example going on H743ZI board?

ST Employee

Hello @PWint​ ,

There is a "CDC-Standalone" application within STM32CubeH7 package and runs on STM32H743xx devices:


You may update this working application according to your needs, and you find there a readme file describing how to use and run the example.

Hope my answer helped you! 😊

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Associate III

Hi @Imen DAHMEN​,

Thank you very much for getting back to me. I did use the CDC-Standalone application but maybe my method is sending me down the wrong track.

I used STM32Cube to create a new example project:

1.     File > New STM32 Project.

2.     Under__Example Selector__ tab, in __Name__ field, type “CDC_Standalone�?.

3.     Select “STM32H743I-EVAL�?.

4.     Give project a name and press __Finish__.

5.     When asked “Initialise all Peripherals with default Mode?�?, selected __Yes__.

This gives me a project for a different development board and strangely, it does not seem to have any CDC code in it. main.c initialises all the peripherals (almost all of which I do not need). Running this code on my platform predictably causes hard faults.

I’ve copied the folder from the example path you provided and then imported the STM32H743I-EVAL-FS project in STMCube. main.c in this code contains calls to USBD_RegisterClass() but I cannot build this project.

Should I be creating a new project from scratch and then manually pull in the code from the example project, or is there a simpler way that I am missing?



ST Employee

Hi @PWint​ ,

Sorry for the delayed reply on this, as I was on leave.

>> but I cannot build this project.

Do you get an error message ?

Did you checked the pin configuration ?

I suggest you to debug, localize where the code hangs and identify when the problem occurs.


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