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H743 USB Host

Trevor Jones

I have the Keyboard working,

but when a usb hub is installed the keyboard is not visible

does anyone have some clues to get a usb hub working ?


@Camilo LEMOS​  recurrent issues with ST USB IP and hubs

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Thanks for letting me know Clive! I have just brought this to our support team (extending to product team as well) to see how we can best address the recurrent issue. I (or another member of the team, with more knowledge than me on this topic) will post back here as soon as we have more info.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

> does anyone have some clues to get a usb hub working ?

On the Segger forum (they sell a commercial USB library) someone reported success connecting a hub to STM32F407 eval.board.

We could not reproduce this, but this may be our fault.


We also started to adapt this hub example to a custom board with STM32F446. It basically worked with a FS hub, but we have not finished this.

-- pa

> On the Segger forum (they sell a commercial USB library) someone reported success connecting a hub to STM32F407 eval.board.

Do you have any link?


Hey, thanks guys, will be working on this for the next few weeks, whilst on holidays.

being complicated by our moving house last week, so everything is upside down.

Have already compiled on H743 some STM32F4 HUB code I found through google.

but haven't laced it into main() as yet.

will be working to auto select a hub or a device from both HS and FS ports.

will be trying to get Keyboard, mouse, Touch screen(llitek) and CP2105 running

but it looks a steep curve to me.

Thankyou to @Community member​ , @Community member​, @Pavel A.​ and @Camilo LEMOS​

Thanks, Pavel.


Hi @Community member​ ,

sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but I wonder if you were successful in running hub on the 'H7 USB with internal PHY, i.e. if the Host packet transmission may hang when connecting through a hub to a low-speed device erratum has been fixed for the 'H7.
