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FreeRTOS with HAL

Senior II


We are using FreeRTOS  with HAL.

FreeRTOS is used with CMSIS OS API

Yet, it seems that for correct functionality of FreeRTOS above HAL, additional code modification are still required:

  1. CMSIS OS has API mainly for semaphore, threads, but not for HAL (except timer which is actually using the same systick timer). This means, that when using UART, TIMERS, DMA, and all other interfaces in their interrupt or DMA mode, it is required to add sempahores, instead of busy wait on while loop for flags (as shown in HAL examples). Right ?
  2. Another thing I am not sure about is the HAL_Delay. Can HAL_Delay be used with FreeRTOS ?
  3. And last thing the NVIC interrupt enable (HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ), what is the policy for choosing interrupt priority when using FreeRTOS ?

Thank you,
