2023-08-15 1:37 PM
I have been experimenting with the FP-IND-PREDMNT1 function pack on the STEVAL-STWINKT1B. Using the base firmware I am getting an average current draw of around 90mA during operation. For my application i would like to reduce the power consumption to minimum levels. What are some of the ways I can go about modifying the FP-IND-PREDMNT1 function pack to minimize power?
First things that come to mind are disabling the onboard LEDs, adjusting the interval of sensor readings, and changing the ADV interval on the BLE.
I would love to hear about other methods i could use to reduce power.
Thank you, Casey Gross
2023-08-16 7:44 AM
Correction: the average current draw over a period of 1 min is 47mA. Not 90mA as previously mentioned. My goal is to reduce this down to low single digit mA's.
2023-08-25 11:10 AM