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STM32WB LDO/SMPS configuration vs HW design



I have some doubts regarding the answer I've received from ST (the ticket was closed, so I'm writing here once again).

My product is currently operated in LDO mode. The certifications have already been completed in this configuration.

During the errata check of the STM32WB, I noticed that SMPS mode should used, due to HW design (different series coils value etc., see schematic attached). I received the response from ST team, that "Choice SMPS vs LDO is mainly about power consumption performances".  But still I do know if there is a risk of oscillations coming from low self-resonant frequency value of the series coil and series resistance ( 6GHz required vs 32MHz used and 2.2ohms required vs 0.7 ohms used ) in LDO mode.

Or maybe it does not matter in LDO mode?