2019-09-17 12:07 PM
I am using NUCLEO-F429ZI. I would like to add my application name, author, firmware version and so on information into application profile, how can I add them when I compile the program and save these information into controller?
thank you.
2019-09-17 12:49 PM
You'd typically use strings, and mark them so the linker doesn't discard them
#ifdef __ICCARM__ //IAR
#define KeepInCompilation __root
#elif __CC_ARM //MDK-ARM
#define KeepInCompilation __attribute__((used))
#else //TASKING //TrueStudio
#define KeepInCompilation __attribute__((used))
KeepInCompilation static const char foo[]= "Firmware XYZ, Written by ABC";