2018-12-26 10:19 AM
I have tested the FatFs on the STM32Cubemx,I have tested it on two different MCU's, STM32F401RC and STM32F429IGT6, it only works in the 1Bit mode on the STMF429 part, But the same settings on the STMCUBE and the STM32F401RCT6 part would not work, I think the SDIO driver have some bugs in it, do you have any Idea what might be wrong?
Best Regards
2018-12-26 12:30 PM
Well the SDIO/SDMMC interface doesn't like signal skewing or ringing, so a 4-bit interface has sensitivity to equivalent path lengths, and termination.
I'd probably start by validating the hardware using the examples in the HAL libraries for an assortment of DISCO and EVAL series boards. Or working with known good hardware/software, and then move to ones of less known provenance.
I wouldn't waste my time with fighting CubeMX issues
2018-12-27 02:02 AM
Thanks, I have tesetd the exact example that you have mentioned, but in that example also the SD interface is set to 1Bit mode, do you have a 4 bit working example?