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FATFS f_open returns invalid file name

Associate II

Hi all

I'm reading wave files from sd-card using FATFS library. So far everything is working fine but if I want to open any file whose name contains any number for e.g.

8BitAudio.wav, Audio8Bit.wav etc (here the number is 😎

the f_open function returns me invalid file name. Is it a common thing that f_open doesn't like numbers in a file name or do I have to configure something in the FATFS middleware (.ioc file) to solve this problem.



Can't say I've tried this myself.

ST usually ships a very old version, might want to check that first.

Check that long file names are enabled.

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Associate II

I was thinking of enabling the long file names before but didn't play around with this bit because "8BitAudio" (9 chars only) doesn't look long. Anyways enabling long file names does the trick. Thanks