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examples in Cube

Posted on November 27, 2016 at 03:51

Anyone figure out how to run the examples downloaded with Cube ?

I am using the f0, r8 chip with the nucleo board.

I have been programming using bare metal (registers) and some spl to learn about the chip.

No problem up to this point.

I am making the move to cube mostly for the middleware stuff.

I downloaded cube and tried to run the gpio toggle example.

It seems like some of the defines are undefined to the compilier.

I have had to edit some h files so that the complier would recognize the defines.

Right now the complier to choking on stm32f0xx_hal_flash.c because it can

not find defines like FLASH_PAGE_SIZE, FLASH_KEY1.

I found FLASH_PAGE_SIZE in stm32f0xx_hal_flash_ex.h but it was not included in

the file so i had to add that. I can not find FLASH_KEY1 defined in any files.

Spending all this time just to run an example that is supposed to be complete is

very frustrating. I would like to get this going but I do not see how they ever

ran this example in the first place.


#stm32m0 #cube #-
Posted on November 27, 2016 at 17:35

Nucleo L476RG here.

Cube, and HAL libraries are the NEW THING. They are obviously, to the unsuspecting new folks that have tried several examples and applications, NOT tested to all degrees in all IDE environments.

And ''EX'' appear to = AFTERTHOUGHT.

Middleware being so far the worst time consumer.

Yes frustrating.
ST Employee
Posted on December 08, 2016 at 09:05


Either run the example from the folder, or follow this training:


Good luck. 

Posted on December 08, 2016 at 20:14

Also, With Truestudio, I have found you can run into path length problems if he Project files are more than 7 or so levels down in the directory structure. I usually always put the Cube projects at the root. When they unzip they are in a Stm32L something or other folder so it doesn't splatter files all over the root directory. I hate it when that happens....  :\

Hopefully you found success with it.

Posted on December 08, 2016 at 20:48

The problem is i am using Imagecraft C compiler and IDE which is based on CodeBlocks.   

I did download TS and have used it. It works great and integrated with MX, but i like Imagecraft.

I can build programs using LL drivers but not the hal drivers, one of the problems is it looks for the compiler used

in cmo.h file which imagecraft is not there : )

TS is good but a bit overkill. I really like simple. TS is kind of slow compiling and really slow downloading via the


Thank you for responding. Isnt this forum much BETTER !

Posted on December 08, 2016 at 21:06

Yeah IDE's abound. Stick with what you know/like. I had to grab new completely (to me) since my TOOLMANAGER and HEW IDE's (Renesas) were pretty much useless to the Arm world parts. Coming into TS from those is an eye opener....

Compiles and downloads like lightening for me . Plus feature rich comparative to my past.

And you're very welcome. 

'Isnt this forum much BETTER !'

Without a doubt! Much MUCH better. But for some d a r n reason my DELETE key quits working on here at odd times and that is ODD.....Doesn't ever do it anywhere except this forum.

Posted on December 09, 2016 at 08:29




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