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ethernet on stm32f439

Associate II


I made with cubemx an ethernet project for the stm32f439 (custom Board), but it doesn't works. When i just use the stm32f407 Discovery Board with the same project, it works without any change. The custom board has the same DP83848 Phy. I read the registers and both are the same. The stm32f439 don't send any package out.

Thanks for any help


Pay very specific attention to the clock sources and routeing, both out of the STM32 into the PHY, and also back out to the STM32.

Make sure all the STM32 side clocks and PLLs are running. Perhaps decode and output the clock settings.

With a custom board also significant potential for the design or component placement to be incorrect. Will need to do significant due diligence and bring-up of circuit.

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Associate II

Thanks for the quick answer.

I will try to set in the RBR Register for the Clock-Elasticity Register

and check the clocks.

I use RMII and the CRS_DV is changed to pin 40

Associate II

looks like the clock of the quarz goes only to the phy controller, but i think the stm32f4 needs also the clock on PA1. I will try the connection.

Associate II

it works now


Hi , Im a fresher who was given with testing of packet transfer with ethernet - phy by interfacing STM32F439ZI with DP83848 . I need soem help at API level and testing procedure .