2020-12-03 12:32 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm configuring the Ethernet MAC address over CubeMX for a NUCLEO-F746ZG target. Default address is 00-80-e1-00-00-00 which identifies ST manufacturers.
I was wondering if I can freely manipulate the other 24 bits for an industrial purpose? I guess that as long as my board is connected on a private Network with guarantee that there won't be any MAC address conflict, then it is fine. But there is some risks if not (I tried to configure 2 boards on same network with same MAC, my router seemed confused) ...
Possible solution is then to buy IEEE my own manufacturer ID, or buy a component that already offers an unique MAC identifier.
Can somebody tell me if I'm right or not? Is there any other solution?
2020-12-05 3:32 AM
There are locally administered MAC addresses (LAA). You cannot use other OUIs https://standards.ieee.org/faqs/regauth.html#10
2020-12-05 1:55 PM
> I was wondering if I can freely manipulate the other 24 bits for an industrial purpose?
No, because otherwise I could put the same address on my devices... That's why it is not allowed.
> I guess that as long as my board is connected on a private Network
As KnarfB pointed out, for that purpose there are LAA, which are guaranteed to not collide with any UAA.
2020-12-06 11:24 PM
Thanks a lot for your clarifications !
I didn't had this information about LAA vs UAA.