2020-01-08 7:38 PM
I use stm32h743 with lwip. tcp and udp work fine respectively. but, Running tcp and udp at the same time breaks the communication aperiodically, and display Assertion "pbuf_free: p->ref >0" failed at line 747... stm32cubeH7 example is the same. but stm32F7 is good working without problem. I think stm32cubeH7 example is flawed.
2020-01-25 3:15 PM
With ST's code networking is virtually impossible, especially on H7. Fixing their code requires more effort than writing normal ETH driver and integrating lwIP on your own.
2024-02-10 7:21 AM
hi, i am also facing similar problem. did you get the solution? could you help ?
2024-03-04 1:26 AM
hi,did you get the solution?