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custom bootloader for STM32H7 erase FLASH less than 127Kb

hi, I am writing a custom bootloader and its only 20Kb in size, as per the STM32H7 datasheet it looks like I can't erase FLASH smaller than 128Kb, just wanted to confirm that in this case I have to waste rest of the sector data and allocate the full 128Kb for my bootloader?

Also I was planning to store data to FLASH as the STM does not have EEPROM, so does the same apply for doing this and I must use the entire 128Kb (full sector) to store 5Kb of data.

thanks for the help

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Yes, you need one sector of bootloader an one sector for EEPROm emulation.

There is likely an efficiency trade off between few large vs many small sectors in the array. And the process may be ill suited to EEPROM.

Make the loader more functional, or use the spare space for library functionality.

For the configuration space you could expand the life span by journalling the data across the whole sector.

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Hi @5548785250647385E12​ ,

Please try to recover the original content of your question. This is a public community, and we need to keep it as it may helpful for others.


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Just ban/blacklist these people.. Give me a button, I'll do it myself.

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hi everybody, thanks for bringing this up, have no idea what happened here, was editing the forum and the browser crashed, maybe it happened then, I have now copy pasted the same content.

also thanks to all for the answers.