2020-05-21 1:51 PM
Setting the RTC from the network time.
Connecting to www.gandi.net at ipaddress:
200241d8 => C:\STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AWS_V1.4.0\Middlewares\Third_Party\mbedTLS\library\ssl_tls.c:4643: x509_verify_cert() returned -9984 (-0x2700)
Configuring the RTC from Date: Thu, 21 May 2020 20:41:55 GMT
*** Firmware version management ***
Press the BLUE user button within the next 5 seconds
to change the firmware version
AWS IoT SDK Version 3.0.1-
MQTT connection in progress: Attempt 1/3 ...
2002c0b0 => C:\STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AWS_V1.4.0\Middlewares\Third_Party\mbedTLS\library\ssl_tls.c:3831: mbedtls_ssl_handle_message_type() returned -30848 (-0x7880)
Apart from the error message itself, how does mbed tls module know the file path?
Why is the file path not the one I used (I used version 1.5.1)?
What is the number 3831 in ssl_tls.c:3831?
2020-05-22 10:09 AM
> how does mbed tls module know the file path?
The path may be from debug info (in .elf) file or __FILE__ macro in source code.
> Why is the file path not the one I used (I used version 1.5.1)?
You probably linked and object file/library which was built in that path.
> What is the number 3831 in ssl_tls.c:3831?
It's the line number in the source code of ssl_tls.c. So you may look there and get a better idea about the error reasons.
Also the error numbers should help you identifying the root cause of the errors.
2020-05-28 2:03 AM
mbedTLS error number 0x7880 means the certificate is incorrect.
Did you enter correctly the AWS certificate and the device certificate during configuration phase ?
The AWS certificate is in Middlewares\Third_Party\AWS\certs\Amazon1_Comodo_Baltimore.crt
The device certificate is the one you get when you create a "thing" in AWS console (as described in user manual)
2022-01-20 2:46 PM
Hi @Fanuc30 were you able to connect to the aws using the BL475E-IOTA board
2022-01-21 12:27 AM
@Vkamm.1I had no problem at the end. I successfully connected. But not sure what was the “break thru�?. The root CA, AWS policy, correct date on the IOTA boarde (certificates do not work with random dates), string format of the keys in the C code?
Advise: try to connect a Pi with the same credentials first (name, private/public keypaire, public key of endpoint, rootCA and endpointURL). If that doesn’t work it will not work with the IOTA boarde either.
Excusé I could not be of more helpe.
2022-01-21 11:42 PM
Hi @Fanuc30 I was able to solve the issue. Thanks.