2021-03-21 9:09 AM
I want to measure the CPU usage of the tasks running by FreeRTOS.
I use the following code, but I see very inaccurate results.
I want to use a sliding window, or even a timer.
Is there a known solution or good practice to do so?
I use FreeRTOS with STM32H743 MCU.
xTaskHandle xIdleHandle = NULL;
__IO uint32_t osCPU_Usage = 0;
uint32_t osCPU_IdleStartTime = 0;
uint32_t osCPU_IdleSpentTime = 0;
uint32_t osCPU_TotalIdleTime = 0;
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
* @brief Application Idle Hook
* @param None
* @retval None
void vApplicationIdleHook(void)
if( xIdleHandle == NULL )
/* Store the handle to the idle task. */
xIdleHandle = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
* @brief Application Idle Hook
* @param None
* @retval None
void vApplicationTickHook (void)
static int tick = 0;
tick = 0;
if(osCPU_TotalIdleTime > 1000)
osCPU_TotalIdleTime = 1000;
osCPU_Usage = (100 - (osCPU_TotalIdleTime * 100) / CALCULATION_PERIOD);
osCPU_TotalIdleTime = 0;
* @brief Start Idle monitor
* @param None
* @retval None
void StartIdleMonitor (void)
if( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() == xIdleHandle )
osCPU_IdleStartTime = xTaskGetTickCountFromISR();
* @brief Stop Idle monitor
* @param None
* @retval None
void EndIdleMonitor (void)
if( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() == xIdleHandle )
/* Store the handle to the idle task. */
osCPU_IdleSpentTime = xTaskGetTickCountFromISR() - osCPU_IdleStartTime;
osCPU_TotalIdleTime += osCPU_IdleSpentTime;
* @brief Stop Idle monitor
* @param None
* @retval None
uint16_t osGetCPUUsage (void)
return (uint16_t)osCPU_Usage;
2021-06-02 6:58 AM