2021-05-07 01:34 PM
I try to copy Ethernet connections from H750 Discovery board to H750 having LQFP package without any changes. I am not very good at C and even worse Ethernet programming, so I don't want any HW changes.
But 144 pin LQFP doesn't have PH2 MII_CRS and PH3 MII_COL pins. What must be done in Demo SW to have those signals in other pins. Or is it easier to just use LQFP176 package. (When there are any avalaible)
2021-05-07 05:44 PM
MII_CRS/MII_COL are also available on PA0 and PA3. Configuring it in CubeMX will generate code to initialize them.
2021-05-08 02:35 AM
But what about demo SW and examples, CubeMX is not used with them, is it?
2021-05-08 06:08 AM
Demo SW and examples are never provided as CubeMX projects as far as I am aware. Perhaps it is changing, but it would be the exception and not the rule.