2019-07-01 6:49 AM
There is a bug in
STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.2\Projects\STM32L073Z-EVAL\Examples\TSC\TSC_BasicAcquisition_Interrupt\Src\stm32l0xx_hal_msp.c, line 116:
it has to be
2019-07-02 4:06 AM
Hello @seren ,
Thanks for highlighting this issue.
We raised this internally for fix in the coming release of CubeL0 Firmware pacakge.
Thanks and Best Regards
2019-07-02 4:28 AM
Fine, thanks.
I also noticed a few small things in main.c of that example project: BSP_LED_Init(LED3) is called twice (lines 98 and 100) and comments in lines 197 and 213 say "Channel 1" instead of 2 and 3 respectively.
2019-07-02 6:53 AM
Your feedback is raised to the development team for fix.