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Bonjour, j'aimerais avoir de la doc en francais sur des exemples simples sur Le STM32F3348 Disco. Merci.

ST Employee

Hello @JGall.6​ and welcome to the Community 🙂;

Thanks to develop your posts in English so it helps us, and the users of our community understand your question and try to help you.

I've translated your question using a translation tool to increase the chances of getting you a reply from our experts and community members, since the majority interact in English.  

Here is the translation of your post using Google translate:

Hello, I would like to have documentation in French on simple examples of the STM32F3348 Disco. THANKS.

All examples with STM32F3348-Discovery board are available in this link, when the readme.file wrote in English.

Thank you for your contribution in StCommunity.

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III