2019-02-27 7:42 PM
I have NUCLEO-H743ZI, NUCLEO-F746ZG and the STM32F746G-DISCO
After trying the FreeRTOS-based HTTP server example which uses lwIP,
I noticed lwIP 2.0.2 supports MQTT client codes.
I have a Mosquitto 1.5.7 MQTT broker which is installed on AWS EC2 cloud instance and I want the STM32F746G to subscribe a topic via Ethernet.
Are there any MQTT client examples for STM32F746G/STM32H743 devices?
I did find an MQTT + TI's TM4C1294 example, but I want to stick with STM32 chips.
Thanks for the help
2023-08-28 4:14 AM
Did you found any solution for the implementation of mqtt on stm32h7?