2018-07-13 1:13 AM
Hi, i'm using STM32F407VG discovery board for a project.
I have this problem, when i power up the board it outputs some random signals for 3 to 4 seconds before it starts executing my code.
I did the ST-link update and nothing changed.
Thank you.
#stm32f4-discovery #st-link2018-07-13 2:02 AM
Couple of possibilities, either something you've programmed onto the part is doing that, or the ST-LINK is probing the part. You can disconnect the ST-LINK from the SWDIO/SWCLK pins by removing a pair of jumpers.
If that still causes issues you need to look at what you're doing. Perhaps instrument your code so you can see via a GPIO where it is, or use a debugger where you've unchecked 'run to main()' and you step or otherwise walk the code between Reset_Handler and the point where you see 'normal' behaviour.
2018-07-13 7:11 AM
I'll do that thank you