2021-05-09 4:25 PM
I am designing a circuit with STM32F098RCTx.
I'd like to know about the operation when VDD = 3.3V and VDDIO = 2.8V.
SWD uses PA13 (SWDIO) and PA14 (SWCLK).
The datasheet says:
"PC6, PC7, PC8, PC9, PA8, PA9, PA10, PA11, PA12, PA13, PF6, PA14, PA15,
PC10, PC11, PC12, PD0, PD1 and PD2 I / Os are supplied by VDDIO2"
Therefore, SWDIO and SWCLK are considered to operate at 2.8V.
When using ST-LINK , you need to connect VDD, GND, SWDIO, SWCLK, RESET Pin.
The problem here is the power supply to ST-LINK.
The RESET pin should operate at VDD (3.3V).
Is it better to connect ST-LINK to VDD (3.3V) or to VDDIO (2.8V)?
I think I should connect it to VDD (3.3V). What do you think?
thank you.
2021-05-09 5:09 PM
Either would be fine, the pins are tolerant, and the NRST is open-drain with a pull-up. Only the official ST-LINK/V2 buffers via VTarget pin
I'd probably use the 2.8V
2021-05-10 3:58 PM
I understand.
Connect 2.8V to VDD of ST-LINK.
I got it. Thank you for your response!