2021-04-21 1:43 PM
Our project is targeted to STM32H7, but that may change as new processors become available. We want to include fast external memory and OCTOSPI seems the be the best approach. If there is no available Nucleo for STM32H7 with OCTOSPI, would it make sense to start on STM32L4+ or STM32L5 if there is a Nulcleo board for one of them, planing to copy the code into a project for one of the higher end processors later?
2021-04-21 2:54 PM
2021-04-29 3:48 PM
Hello DSwar.2,
so it is difficult to say if you should consider to move to STM32L4+ or STM32L5 as I do not know much about your project. But main scope of these two series are low power applications. If you are interested in high performance you will probably would like to stay with the STM32H7 series as it offer higher computational power. Great document about OCTOSPI peripheral in STM32 mcus is AN5050 and I would recommend you to take a look at it. There are also listed all STM32H7 MCUs that have OCTOSPI peripheral.
I know that you have mentioned your interest in Nucleo boards, but I would like to present you options that I have found also for other boards:
EVAL boards: STM32H7B3I-EVAL
It might be interesting for you, that for the discovery boards and eval board we also have prepared examples projects for OCTOSPI peripheral within STM32CubeH7 software package.
Best regards,
2021-05-01 6:20 PM
Thanks for your reply. I don't know all of my client's requirements, but he seems to have a preference for cortex m7. Now he is asking about about using the flexible memory controller. Is there somewhere with a list of suitable RAM chips that can be used? Is there a development board with PSRAM or similar for STM32H7?
2021-05-04 1:56 PM
Hello DSwar.2,
unfortunately I am not aware of any list of suitable RAM chips and I did not find any board with PSRAM and H7 MCU. However as my understanding goes the Hyperram technology is similar to PSRAM and STM32H735G-DK has 128-Mbit HyperRAM™ (S70KL1281DABHI023 from Cypress®) that is connected to the OCTOSPI2 interface. I would recommend you to take a look at it. I hope you will find this information useful.