2021-11-09 8:45 PM
2021-11-09 8:51 PM
See Absolute Maximum Ratings in the datasheet.
2021-11-09 11:25 PM
Ya but the datasheet specifies 0mA positive injection only for 3v and 5v tolerant pin, and specifies NA for for other . What does NA means
2021-11-10 1:19 AM
Also suggest, if the maximum injected positive current is 10uA for contiunous period if 8-10 hrs, would it still effect the reliability of GPIO
2021-11-10 2:16 AM
I think current will flow into the pin when Vdd is at 0V, trying to pull up the processor Vdd
My solution would be add a 1k or 10k resistor in series on those pins to limit the current.
or a buffer chip like LVC244 that is powered by the same Vdd
2021-11-10 5:35 AM
Isn't your question about 3V compatible pins?
I don't have any more info than you do. If the datasheet says +0 is the limit, that's what ST guarantees. +10uA would be over the limit. You're certainly welcome to test it in your own application and, if successful, decide if the risk is worth it for your application.