2019-05-11 1:26 PM
Hello. Please helping me with solving this problem.
I used Truestudio to write data into external sdram.
Now, I want to see the data in sdram by using st-link utility instead of the debuging system in truestudio itself. (because of Liveupdate system, i need to see changes of data in live time).
Since it is an external memory, I need to use external loader to access to sdram. However, when I try to add external loader, there is no such device name for my board.
I googled a lot and it seems like I need to make my own by customer designed external loader.
I actually have no idea how to create one. Please, help me with this. If anyone has external loader for my board, which is STM32F429ZI, please send me . My e-mail address is (chnu121@daum.net). Thank you a lot
2019-05-11 2:39 PM
The discovery board, or something else. The external bus configuration will depend on the board level pin usages, and the FMC SDRAM settings on the specific chip used.
Time consuming stuff, what are you offering as a bounty?