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Unable to launch, The selection cannot be launced and there is no recent launches

Associate II

Hi, I am trying to import an example project in the IDE below is the product detail

Board: STM32H743I-Eval2
IDE: STM32CubeID 1.18.0
Example: GPIO_EXTI
Original Dirctory: C:\Users\User\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.12.1\Projects\STM32H743I-EVAL\Examples\GPIO
Workspace: C:\Users\User\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.18.0

Issue: When I try to debug the project I get the following error, I dont know what went wrong but I have just followed the turtorial on the official website.


Another Issue?: According to this guide, a dialog box asking to confirm the project conversion is then displayed as shown in the below, just after importing the project into IDE, but in my case, the box isnt appearing. 
confirmation dialog.png

Whole Screen shot
Any gidance is much appritiated.
Thank you



Associate II

At the moment I found an alternate way

File -> Import ->  Following window shows up 
Import ExampleImport Example
Expand General -> Select Import  STM32Cube Example -> Next
Target Selection window will showup 
first select Board and then Example Name
Target SelectionTarget Selection