2023-10-23 3:40 AM
After firmware upgrade for st-link v2, windows computer recognized the st-link as universal serial bus instead of virtual com port. whenever i try to program to MCU, there is error like a "No target device found".
How can I solve it?
Below image is the device manager to be recognized as Universal serial bus. there is no PORT.
Thank advance.
2023-10-23 4:11 AM
Welcome @kevin1971, to the community!
Which software and settings did you use for the firmware upgrade?
Can you please also upload a photo of your ST-LINK/V2 here?
2023-10-23 4:15 AM
Below is the image which I have used.
2023-10-23 4:23 AM
try with stm32CubeProgrammer . (st-link utility is outdated.)
2023-10-23 4:26 AM
I tried to program in the cubeISE using above st-link v2, the error message is "no target device found".
In this regard, if i use the stm32CubeProgrammer, will it work to program?
Thank you.
2023-10-23 4:27 AM
You have used the ST-LINK utility, which is long out of date and on NRND (Not Recommended for New Designs). The firmware is also outdated and should be updated with STM32CubeProg.
2023-10-23 4:38 AM
Below is the upgrade using CubeProgrammer after install it.
If i tried to program with connect, below is error message which i got.
Thank advance
2023-10-23 5:25 AM
so st-link working now. ok.
but target shows 0 V only - now power on target ! (or you didnt connect VDD ( 3,3V )to st-link .
connect 3,3 V to target !
2023-10-23 5:36 AM
Show how this is connected to your target. Needs VCC, GND, SWDIO, SWCLK minimum.
This type of ST-LINK/V2 does NOT provide a COM Port / VCP
2023-10-23 4:19 PM
Powre is up with 3.07V. however, no stm32 target found as below image.
My SWIO, SWCLK, VDD, RST as below schematic.
VDD : 1
SWIO : 7
RESET : 15
GND : 4
Thanks in advance.