2023-10-23 3:40 AM
After firmware upgrade for st-link v2, windows computer recognized the st-link as universal serial bus instead of virtual com port. whenever i try to program to MCU, there is error like a "No target device found".
How can I solve it?
Below image is the device manager to be recognized as Universal serial bus. there is no PORT.
Thank advance.
2023-10-23 4:52 PM
Ok, but the diode suggests that you expect the ST-LINK to power the 3.3V whereas the expectations for the buffers is that your target powers them. Check the voltage you see on pin 1/2 of the 20-pin header
2023-10-23 4:58 PM
Hi Tesla,
You mean that the target board should provide the power 3.3V to the st-link VDD pin 1/2 of the 20-pin header.
or,Is 3.07V little bit low voltage for flashing?
2023-10-23 6:55 PM
After measuring the voltage of 1/2 of 20-pin header with tester, the value of voltage is 3.13V.
Thank you.
2023-10-25 4:57 PM
MCU is STM32L072CZ.
Boot0 is to wired with GND. Now Voltage is 3.25V for VDD : 3.25V, SWDIO, SWCLK, nRST, RST.
Even if I tried to connect with My MCU Board which housed STM32L072CZ, it didn't connect with them.
Please help me.
thank you in advance.
2023-10-25 5:12 PM
Error message is as below if i used the stm32cubeprogrammer.
09:10:59 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode
09:10:59 : ST-LINK SN : 51FF6D066684504828451087
09:10:59 : ST-LINK FW : V2J42S7
09:10:59 : Board : --
09:10:59 : Voltage : 3.25V
09:10:59 : Error: No STM32 target found! If your product embeds Debug Authentication, please perform a discovery using Debug Authentication
Thank you in advance
2023-10-25 6:15 PM
Below is image for ST-Link for nRST and SWCLK when i tried to connect with MCU using STM32Cubeprogrammer.
2 blue channel is nRST, 1 yello channel is SWCLK.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
2023-10-25 6:39 PM
Below is SWDIO, SWCLK waveform when I tried to connect with MCU using STM32CubeProgrammer.
Thank you.
2023-10-25 6:43 PM
Blue 2 channel and yellow 1 channel are little bit malfunction to measure the voltage.
Thank you.
2023-10-25 9:40 PM - edited 2023-10-25 9:42 PM
Is there some issue with the grounding here?
Your diagram here has GND and SWDIO switched. Is the wiring harness correct?
2023-10-25 10:44 PM
Hi Tesla,
In first picture, The oscillator is liitle bit malfunction to measure the voltage as you indicated.
However, second picture is good to measure swdio, and swclk waveform.
Thank you.