2021-09-05 4:22 AM
I have stm32f407zgt6 board. Came to work with Touch. On tft, I use Touch on xpt2046 via spi, on the stm32_f4x (DevEBox) board, the processor pins are wired as sck - pb0, miso-pb2, mosi- pf12. Pins data, CubeMX cannot map like any of the 3 spi on board the processor. According to the RM, it is not possible to assign them in any way. What, the manufacturer of the board conceived that there will be a software spi for the wheelbarrow, or are there some secret methods for remapping pins?
2021-09-05 5:16 AM
Probably going to have to bit-bang it
2021-09-05 6:44 AM
Sorry. Bit_bang? Are you mean cut the pins?
Or bit-band? For blenking this is easy... Can you give me example of it for SPI2, i'm novce.
2021-09-05 7:06 AM