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STM32F407VET6 and a 7" display

Associate II

I am trying to design a system that use the STM32F407VET6 and a 7 inch LCD display that use LVDS. The screen is 1024x600 pixel resolution and can use 6-bit or 8-bit LVDS interface. The screen also uses a HX8282 LCD controller. I was wondering if I need a LVDS transmitter like the SN75LVDS84 to interact with the microcontroller. I want to be able to display a UI on the screen. Is there any example code for doing this or projects that I might be able to look at to help aid in my design process?


No, you're wasting your time.

The F407 likely doesn't have sufficient memory for a frame buffers, and isn't designed to drive a TFT display.

The STM32F429 or F469 with an SDRAM off the side might be a starting point, or frankly one of the newer designs.

Or a LCD board with a controller and video RAM you can interface via the FSMC of the F407

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If I changed to the F469 would it have the same pin layout as the F407 or is it completely different? How much SDRAM would be the minimum needed?

100-pin device might be a tad difficult.

Smallest SDRAM you'd likely be able to source is 64Mbit (8MB). High resolution video, probably want 32-bit wide. DSI would reduce pin count to a suitable display.

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If my 7" LCD screen has a LCD controller integrated into it would I need to have an STM32 that would be able to drive a TFT screen or would the controller in the screen be able to do it? I trying to figure out the design possibilities before I make a decision on it. Would it be the easiest option to switch the microcontroller to the STM32F469 or the F429 and use SDRAM with it?

Several panels are available from BuyDisplay using this controller, and it's on-board 128Mb (16MB) of display memory

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