2024-01-11 1:02 PM
I am trying to design a system that use the STM32F407VET6 and a 7 inch LCD display that use LVDS. The screen is 1024x600 pixel resolution and can use 6-bit or 8-bit LVDS interface. The screen also uses a HX8282 LCD controller. I was wondering if I need a LVDS transmitter like the SN75LVDS84 to interact with the microcontroller. I want to be able to display a UI on the screen. Is there any example code for doing this or projects that I might be able to look at to help aid in my design process?
2024-01-11 2:48 PM
No, you're wasting your time.
The F407 likely doesn't have sufficient memory for a frame buffers, and isn't designed to drive a TFT display.
The STM32F429 or F469 with an SDRAM off the side might be a starting point, or frankly one of the newer designs.
Or a LCD board with a controller and video RAM you can interface via the FSMC of the F407
2024-01-11 4:23 PM
If I changed to the F469 would it have the same pin layout as the F407 or is it completely different? How much SDRAM would be the minimum needed?
2024-01-11 4:41 PM
100-pin device might be a tad difficult.
Smallest SDRAM you'd likely be able to source is 64Mbit (8MB). High resolution video, probably want 32-bit wide. DSI would reduce pin count to a suitable display.
2024-01-14 5:31 PM
If my 7" LCD screen has a LCD controller integrated into it would I need to have an STM32 that would be able to drive a TFT screen or would the controller in the screen be able to do it? I trying to figure out the design possibilities before I make a decision on it. Would it be the easiest option to switch the microcontroller to the STM32F469 or the F429 and use SDRAM with it?
2024-01-17 11:13 AM
Several panels are available from BuyDisplay using this controller, and it's on-board 128Mb (16MB) of display memory