2022-07-30 2:27 AM
The MCU STM32F207VCT6 reference schematics used in our design is made exactly in the same as NUCLEO reference design except for the feedback resistor for the 8MHz oscillator; our design doesn't have that resistor. MCU doesn't connect via SWD.
*Edited by moderation, please keep the title of your question shorter than 70 characters*
2022-07-30 3:21 AM
First Debug test step: disconnect all clocks going to the mcu, it should use internal one, then check if debug probr works.
2022-07-30 3:30 AM
The MCU doesn't need an external clock to start or function.
Check voltages at VCAP pins.
Check level of NRST
Check part orientation
Check supplies to VDDA
2022-07-31 8:29 AM
The nucleo boards often have a second stm32 microcontroller pre-programmed to act as an ST-Link programmer so you can just plug it into USB and fire up stm32cubeIde.
As you don’t mention this, can I ask do you have an ST-Link (either stand-alone or broken off a genuine Nucleo) that you know works, that you are interfering through?
2022-07-31 10:54 PM
Yes, I made a PCB following the nucleo f207g reference design and program it through SWD using another ST-Link broken off the same version of nucleo board.
2022-07-31 10:57 PM
It seems like the reference design does not use the right amount of load capacitances for the oscillators used and hence I am able to program the MCU on PCB through SWD at some random moments and it shows 'target not connected' rest of the time.
Would appreciate any thoughts on the above.