2025-01-19 08:16 AM
I have a brand new STM32C0116-DK evaluation board (official) and I fear I just bricked the on-board ST-Link :\
I wanted to run an example (blink LED) from the CubeIDE provided examples. When I pressed run, a popup displayed to notify me the ST-Link firmware should be updated. So I launched the process but the popup window freezed. I closed CubeIDE and disconnected the USB cable... Now the ST-Link LED is blinking RED at about 0,5 Hz and Windows doesn't detect any USB device at all (nothing is enumerated in device manager, nor a "USB device not working properly" popup) I think I did a mistake...
I will need it to work from home home for the two weeks. Is there a way I can force it to pass in update mode? I only have this board at hand right now, so is the only ST-Link debugger I have (had)...
2025-01-19 11:38 AM
Its not so easy to brick the board...
STM32CubeProgrammer is IMHO the most reliable tool for accessing a board including ST-LINK updates.
> ST-Link LED is blinking RED at about 0,5 Hz
This happens when power is on, but no USB comm. Try to reset the USB port / repower the computer.