2024-04-21 7:43 AM
I am trying to communicate(Tx and Rx) with the arduino serial monitor using USART2 using ppins PA2 and PA3 respectively. This si done with the assumption that these are the pins which are connected to the USB serial wires. Mt USART Tx fucntion is working like a charm but the Rx is not. I used a logic analyser and saw that when the messages are send over serial monitor, i am unable to trace it at PA3.
I couldn't find any other sources related to this and since i am able to trace the transmitted signals at PA2, I assumed PA3 would be the obious pair.
Can anyone please clarify this or guide me to a schematic which would show the actual pins. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
2024-04-21 10:58 PM
Not clear. Are you using ST board or something else? If ST board you need to tell us which one. In the board schematics you can check the connections. No assumptions to do to select an alternate function.