2023-06-29 2:45 AM
I'm running on Mac-OS with CubeIDE V1.12.1 (the latest at this time)
When I try to connect a target using SWD with my STLINK-V3PWR probe I get the following:
"No ST-Link detected" in a popup named : "ST-LINK firmware verification"
If I try to upgrade the probe firmware from the IDE menu 'Help"->'STLINK upgrade' , this lead to a downgrade from V4J2B1P4 to V4J1B1P3 (the STLinkUpgrade tool has Version 3.11.3 , not the latest one 3.12.3)
I tried to downgrade the probe firmware with no success with target connection.
The CubeMonitor-Power application works (but I have the same, already reported in forum) problem of OVC triggering on power-ON on VOUT due to inrush current to the target
I tried also STM32CubeProgrammer that connects to my target with SWD, so the probe is properly connected to the target ... by the way, the StLinkUpgrade.jar included in the last STM32CubeProgrammer application is an old one not even recognising the STLINK-V3PWR !!
I suppose I have to wait for an CubeIDE release to have this probe working ?
2023-07-03 6:23 AM
CubeIDE V1.12.1supports the STLINK-V3PWR as debug probe, no matter the firmware version. It is recommended however to restore the most recent firmware version through the STLinkUpgrade application available at STSW-LINK007 - ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2, ST-LINK/V2-1, STLINK-V3 boards firmware upgrade - STMicroelectronics.
Concerning your probe detection issue, may you please ensure that no other tool might keep it connected while attempting a connection through CubeIDE (especially CubeProgrammer) ? What is your Mac-OS version ? What happens when you click on "scan" for STLink S/N from CubeIDE Debug Configuration/Debugger ? What is the color of STLINK-V3PWR "USB" LED ? The fact that it connects through CubeProgrammer is a first good point regarding your environment
2023-07-06 1:56 AM
I still cannot connect to my target with STLINK-V3PWR.
My MacOS version is Monterey 12.6.7
The USB led on the probe is green, COM Led is red.
I upgraded the probe with the last version from STSW-LINK007 3.12.3
The "scan" button report the prode ID : 002F00383431510137383732 that seems OK
Here is the command from the debug launch :
/Applications/STM32CubeIDE.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.stlink-gdb-server.macos64_2.0.500.202301161003/tools/bin/ST-LINK_gdbserver -p 61234 -l 1 -d -s -i 002F00383431510137383732 -cp /Applications/STM32CubeIDE.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.macos64_2.0.600.202301161003/tools/bin -m 0 -k
I tried with the check-box 'Shared ST-LINK' in the debug launch panel,
I checked the 'log to file' but no log file is created
All that ends in ... 'No ST Link detected' popup message :(
2023-07-10 6:59 AM
Could you please indicate which target are you trying to connect to ?
Thanks in advance
2023-07-11 2:55 AM
I tried with 2 targets. Those are custom boards
One with an STM32L476VGT , the other with an STM32H7A3ZIT6 with the same result for both
I currently work on these targets with an ST-LINK/V2-1 now in version V2J41M27
2023-07-11 4:59 AM
2023-08-02 3:21 AM
Hello Pierre,
We have tested in ST side with several NUCLEO and DISCOVERY boards, on several MAC machines, and debug works well.
To move on your issue, I would like to precise your setup. To do so I attach a ppt (corresponding PDF is attach as well, depending if you are using same powerpoint version), showing what we understand about your setup.
Is our understanding correct ?
Could you please verify, and answer the orange questions marks ?
Thanks in advance for your replies.
2023-08-03 8:43 AM
This is the correct setup.
Power of CPU in both cases is 3V3 externally provided (not by the V3PWR probe) , I do not use JTAG but SWD only with 3V3 levels.
You also have to know that the problem arises before I connect the device to debug. I mean that just plugging the V3PWR probe on the USB with nothing connected on the SWD lines, I have the same error popup saying the probe is not recognised !!!
And , yes, the CubeProgrammer and CubeMonitorPower tools detect and use correctly the V3PWR probe.
And , when using the 'ST Link Upgrade' menu entry in the 'Help' menu , the probe is also recognised.
The only 'not working' points are the 'Debug As' or 'Run As'
2023-08-04 2:53 AM - edited 2023-08-04 5:14 AM
Hello Pierre,
Thanks for your reply.
I did lot of experiment on a Mac machine with Catalina, and everything works well. I will check if I can find a machine with Monterey to do the test. The only way I can reproduce the same message, is to disconnect the probe.
Saying so and looking at your set up, you are able to program your application (the elf file) using cube programmer, but CubeIDE is not able to attach to the target.
This makes me think about a CubeIDE somehow not properly installed - Just to be sure, could you try to uninstall/install it ?
Or some CubeIDE access right to some system ressources. SubeProgrammer could access some ressources where CubeIDE cannot. Do you have USB endpoint protector active ?
Another idea is to verify the probe serial number. Could you please open the system preferences, then select, under material, USB. Then expand the Bus USB xxx under which the STLINK-V3PWR is listed. Click on it, and verify that the serial number is the same as the one detected by CubeIDE.
This to be sure that CubeIDE do not keep the v2.1 probe serial number.
2023-08-04 2:57 AM