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STLINK_V3_SET not connect to STM32H745

Associate II


I am working STM32H745 controller. I am trying to connect STLINK_V3 SET to my custom

board. But I getting the errors I am attaching the images ,I set the Debug as serial wire and device is in Connect Under Reset. What things I have to check, also I check the USB cable .Can you please help me.


ST Employee

Hi @MDeva.1​ ,

Thank you for sharing your request ��.

I notice on the second image that your T_NRST is not connected, if you refer to the User Manual UM2448 Rev7 "Section 8.2.6 SWD Connector" these are the required pins for a SWD connection

0693W00000UnDgwQAF.pngFind in attached the document.

Best Regards,


Board and chip must be viable and correctl​y connected.

Show schematic section with STM32 pin/power connections.

Check orientation

Check voltage on VCAP and NRST​

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We also connect the NRST pin but its shows the same result. When we make the BOOT0 high on power up and release that pin then it shows in in cubeprogrammer device is get detected then temporary coding is done .When we try after some time and try to code again shows the same error. Also when we try to programming in STM32CUBE IDE Cortex M7 programming is done and when we try to programming to cortex M4 is again shows GDB sesver error. I am sharing the schematic file and the images ,please check that, I stuck here , what things I have to check ?

Hello Sir I need u r help

Not sure I can provide you with much assistance with CubeIDE / GDB

What voltage do you see in VCAP ?

On STM32Cube Programmer check/change the "Access Port" settings to work with specific cores.

Watch that lower power modes will turn off core/connectivity.

Watch SMPS, LDO and VOS settings.

Perhaps provide a delay in startup code to allow for debugger connectivity.

Add means of communicating via USARTs to understand what each is doing, and perhaps command/control methods to recover or erase the code. Have Error Handler and Hard Fault Handlers provide actionable information if the code ends up there.

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Hello SIr,

We check the port swd and JTAG get the same result. We get the VCAP voltage 1v for both the core.Can you tell why these happpened


Have you try to use an example provided with the H7 FW which uses both cortex M7 and M4 ?

Just to check if you have the same issue with a example provided by STMicroelectronics.

When we try to programming through the STM32CUBEPROGRAMMER it shows the programming is done successfully but programming is not done . And when we try o programming through STM32CUBEIDE the core M7 programming is done successfully and after we programming the core M4 it gets stuck. 0693W00000Unu6wQAB.pngWhy these happing, i need your support. Please help me. We use the SWD interface.