2020-05-08 10:54 PM
I am going crazy! I am working with an STM32f745 and I am having SWD connection issues. I have a STlink 2-1 jumpered using the header connection from it over to my board Now, a interesting thing is happening when I probe the SWDCLK and SWIDIO line with a scope the connection is happy. When I take the probes off connection stops working. Please any ideas?
2020-05-09 4:07 AM
Missing or insuffienetn ground wires?
2020-05-09 6:17 PM
Thank for your reply/ I have verified that my grounds are connected together between both boards and still the same problem/ Anything else I could try?
2023-08-20 11:50 AM
I have the same problem working with a RAK3172 module using two different stlink programmers and with two different custom board designs.
It sometimes work with lower speeds, sometimes with 4000Khz but I always have to connect a probe to the SWCLK line and another probe to GND, even if there is no tester at the other side of the probes (just a piece or wire!).
I tried different boards, modules, usb cables, power sources with the same results.
Did you find the solution? Any ideas?