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ST Utility External Loader Example

Associate II

Hi everyone,

I have to write a custom external loader and reviewed the examples. The read text of these examples say that after the folder placed inside cube files, it will run seamlessly. However, I can't do this, it needs lots of files to build. Please help me.

Using example: N25Q512A_STM32F769I-EVAL

Placed folder: ..STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.12.0\Projects\STM32F769I_EVAL\Examples\QSPI

Toolchain : SW4STM32

Associate II

Using TrueStudio I managed to make QSPI loader work in STM32F746G-DISCO. Well of course they have provided the example code in ST-Link Utility but I am using STMCubeProgrammer. On trying the same procedure in STM32H743I-EVAL, the Loader is not able to read,Write or Erase. I tried to debug by switching LED ON (as above mentioned) in INIT function, but the function is not called at all from linker file.

Hi @bonumaster​ 

I can't get the external loader for my custom STM32F767II board working. I've also tried to make the QSPI loader for STM32F746G-DISCO and didn't get it working.

Is there something specially I need to set to get it working for the disovery board?



I've rebuilt a number of these.

Please indicate the specific make/model of Flash IC, along with the specific pins on the STM32 being used.​


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Associate II

I am trying to develop an External Flash Loader for a custom ST32F746 board with MT25QL512A.

I started by trying to build the N25Q512A_STM32F769I-EVAL example under SW4STM32.

I get this error:

No rule to make target 'E:/21 aout/N25Q512A_STM32F769I-EVAL/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F7xx/Source/Templates/system_stm32f7xx.c', needed by 'Drivers/CMSIS/system_stm32f7xx.o'.

This weird path corruption seems to originate in: Debug\Drivers\CMSIS\ :


# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables

C_SRCS += \

E:/21\ aout/N25Q512A_STM32F769I-EVAL/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F7xx/Source/Templates/system_stm32f7xx.c "

Anybody have any idea what is going on here ?

 Or can anyone give me a version of this SW4STM32 project that builds ?



Hi Clive....

Could you build one for me please ?

Micron MT25QL512A

Connected to STM32F746BG

CLK -> PB2

NCS -> PB6

D0 -> PF8

D1 -> PF9

D2 -> PF7

D3 -> PF6



You'd be better just having a local copy of that in the project, that's what ST does, as the original model had you setting PLL and board specific frequencies up there via SystemInit(). Otherwise you need to climb relatively from the project directory into the library directories. Not sure how SW4STM32 does this, not a tool I'm using, seriously not a fan of Eclipse Workspaces.

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Ok, will look into this, might take a day or two

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What HSE clock speed?

CLK -> PB2:AF9

NCS -> PB6:AF10

D0 -> PF8:AF10

D1 -> PF9:AF10

D2 -> PF7:AF9

D3 -> PF6:AF9

At 25 MHz this should work out of the box


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It looks as if it does Clive !

Thanks a million!

I never noticed that one....

