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ST-LINK/V2 Failed to detect STM32F446RC on custom board with pin headers shown in images.

Associate II


I am currently trying to connect the ST-LINK/V2 to my custom board which is using a STM32F446RC. I am able to detect the ST-LINK using both the STM32CubeIDE or the STM32 ST-LINK utility, however this is only displaying the serial number. but it is failing to detect the target (MCU).

I have added a picture of the header on the custom board and the header am using for guidance.

Am not sure whether to use the JTAG connections or the SWD connection guidelines.

Associate II

@TDK​ and @Community member​  using the ST-LINK Utility tool I get the follow error message when set to openOCD:

Info : Target voltage: 0.001567

Error: target voltage may be too low for reliable debugging

The voltage varies but it is usually below 1 V

Suggests you're not connecting the target VCC to pin 1 or 2 of the ST-LINK JTAG header, or your device isn't powered. Orange Dot is Pin 1 location


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What "ST-LINK/V2" are you using exactly? How exactly do you have wires going from that to your target board?

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