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ST-LINK V2, DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR, SWD does not work properly



I have a custom STM32 board which has basically only the needed components to flash and use an STM32F103RET6 on board. This means, there are only a few capacitors for voltage stability, an 8MHz quarz + circuitry, and a few connectors on it.

I have the SWDIO, SWCLK and NRST lines connected through a 100 Ohms resistor exposed so a connector, so I can use them to program the device.

Now the problem ist, that I cannot connect to the device via STM32CubeProgrammer, nor the CLI, nor my IDE of choice (Keil uVision).

When I use my ST-LINK V2, connect it to the board and my pc, and then press "connect" in the program, I get the error "DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR".

There is literally no explanation of this error anywhere, other than "hardware issues".

I then proceeded to try out the CLI and it didnt work either. My Keil uVision just throws the error "Internal Command Error".

So I set up a logic analyzer and found out, that the device is actually communicating with my ST-LINK.

It is basically doing this:

  1. Line Reset
  2. Read IDCODE (successfully)
  3. Wants to write to CTRL/STAT (gets ACK WAIT as response)
  4. Line Reset
  5. Repeat 1-4 ca. 100 times
  6. Read IDCODE
  7. Read from CTRL/STAT (successfully, response: 0xF0000000)
  8. Somehow stops doing anything and throws the error mentioned above.

My BOOT0 pin is floating, if that is of interest.

I have no idea how to proceed from here. I cant even connect to the device, however, the device is clearly communicating with the chip.

I checked a chip of my batch on a Evalboard (Nucleo), and it promptly connected and read the memory. So the chips are not defect.

Do I have to remove any write protection or something which the debug interface does automatically on the Nucleo-Board, or why cant I use my chip at all?

Thank you very much in advance!


The analysis of the SWD communication.




Accepted Solutions

We found the issue.

The Problem was that `VDDA` pin had not enough energy supplied to it.

This means, it was a hardware issue.

To make clear what the actual problem was and why we didnt detect it:

We checked all `VDD(A)` pins and found that every pin had the right voltage supplied. However, in the gerber files we discovered that the `VDDA` pin via was not connected properly to the 3.3V plane. There was a huge resistance (in this case 600kΩ) between the 3.3V rail and the `VDDA` pin. We measured the right voltage at the `VDDA` pin because there was a capacitor and it had enough time to charge up. Thus we measured the correct voltage. However, once the uC started to draw actual power, the cap didnt provide enough energy/current and the uC couldnt start up. That also explained the error message from JLINK "Couldnt start up DAP".

Ergo: `DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR` is probably a hardware issue.

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @Vandrey​ ,

Thanks for your feedback,

Please make sure that the power supply VDD from the application board is connected to the ST-LINK/V2 pin1 to ensure signal compatibility between the boards.

You need to connect at least one of STLink/V2 GND to the ground as well.

Let me know if it helps!



We found the issue.

The Problem was that `VDDA` pin had not enough energy supplied to it.

This means, it was a hardware issue.

To make clear what the actual problem was and why we didnt detect it:

We checked all `VDD(A)` pins and found that every pin had the right voltage supplied. However, in the gerber files we discovered that the `VDDA` pin via was not connected properly to the 3.3V plane. There was a huge resistance (in this case 600kΩ) between the 3.3V rail and the `VDDA` pin. We measured the right voltage at the `VDDA` pin because there was a capacitor and it had enough time to charge up. Thus we measured the correct voltage. However, once the uC started to draw actual power, the cap didnt provide enough energy/current and the uC couldnt start up. That also explained the error message from JLINK "Couldnt start up DAP".

Ergo: `DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR` is probably a hardware issue.