2019-07-26 3:15 AM
Some new nucleo STM32G4 boards have simplified version of the st-link v3 (no bridging feature implemented, at leat at the connector level, I guess).
Is there any benefit from having 3e st-link version vs regular 2-1 one?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-07-26 4:10 AM
JTAG/SWD and SWO can go faster. STlinkV3Mini is really afordable as stand alone programmer.
2019-07-26 4:10 AM
JTAG/SWD and SWO can go faster. STlinkV3Mini is really afordable as stand alone programmer.
2019-07-26 4:41 AM
I see a huge savings in the production of STlinkV3Mini, but your price is $ 10.
Our intermediaries add their 3%, making the price becomes $ 30. (this is not math, this is trade)
Question: Is it possible to sell through publicly accessible marketplaces such as AliExpress and the like?
2019-07-26 4:50 AM
You can get the Mini a Mouser/Digikey for < 10 $
2019-07-26 6:18 AM
>>Question: Is it possible to sell through publicly accessible marketplaces such as AliExpress and the like?
I'd imagine one could sell on eBay or whatever, but there are still costs and shipping.
Trick would be to buy a box/case, and sell locally where the real shipping costs could be contained.
2019-07-26 6:20 AM
Really needs a 10-pin header cable, the V3Mini ships with a single 14-to-14 cable, whereas the V3Set ships with several cable combinations.
2019-07-26 6:29 AM
One Chinese sales staff is enough to optimize the entire process. He will find a way to reduce costs.
2019-07-26 8:08 AM
Only because the costs/prices are distorted. There is something mismatched with a $1/30 day shipping model, sort of thing your local postman loses with.
No reason it should cost you $30.
2019-07-27 4:42 AM
Maybe I am wrong but it seems there is no simple way to use the nucleo-g4 built-in st-link-v3e programmer to program/debug external target. The pcb is not cut able any longer.
Maybe it's stupid what I say:
did anyone try to put g4 mcu in high impedance by keeping it under reset to use cn4 connector to debug external target?
2019-07-27 5:04 AM
Looks like really bad idea as the swd pins may be an exception and will not behave as gpio pins under reset
Sorry for spamming.