2014-05-09 4:24 PM
I have no problem using Utility v3.1.0 and firmware V2.J17.S0 with a Discovery-F3.
I'm having a problem with v3.3.0 (the latest) with firmware V2.J19.S0. Most everything works except that the MCU Core Panel dialog fails to show register values. That dialog can still halt, reset, start okay -- just no register values. Has anyone else tried this? Do the register values show using the latest (v3.3.0) ST-Link Utility together with any ST-LINK/V2, not just the one embedded on a Discovery-F3, like say one on another EVAL or DISCOVERY board or when using the standalone adapter that comes in a finished enclosure? -Gary #st-link-utility-discovery-f32014-05-09 5:36 PM
Personally I've found J19 rather flaky, I'd recommend sticking with J17 unless you have a compelling reason to migrate. You can downgrade with the older ST-Link Utilities.
2014-05-19 9:43 AM
Hello gary,
It's a known issue. It is fixed in the new version of ST-LINK Utility v 3.4 which will be available on ST web site by end of this week . Best Regards, Nouha2014-06-05 3:48 PM
Hi Nouha,
Yes, I just downloaded and tried v3.4.0 and it appears to be working now. I'm greatly relieved -- I desperately needed that capability today. Extend my thanks to everyone for keeping on top of it! :D Cheers, Gary