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ST-Link Utility Just Started Reporting "No elf loader found for this operation"

Associate III

I've been using ST-Link for years with no issues. Tried it today to connect to a STM32L496 using the ST-Link Utility and an ST-Link V2 pod, but get this error message when I click "Connect". Tried a STM32L432, same issue. What am I missing? I'm not trying to use an external loader.

EDIT: Did a full chip erase and now it seems to be working. Would be nice to know what I'd done wrong though.


There's other loaders it puts in RAM to manage the individual parts too.

If it can't pull the DEV ID properly, it can't associate the right loader.

Perhaps your code interferes with the debug pins (PA13, PA14) or powers down the chip, pins or related logic, and thus breaks connectivity.

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